Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast

A Brother's Suicide Leads to an Unexpected Spiritual Journey with Rev. Sally Knuckles

Dr. Sandra Marie /Sally Knuckles Season 2 Episode 26

Episode: 26

The Rev. Sally Knuckles shares her powerful story with Dr. Sandra Marie that started her on a painful path that led to an amazing spiritual journey and her dedication to a life of service to others.

“My brother’s suicide actually led to my greatest accomplishment'”. Rev. Sally opens up to discuss how mental illness impacted her family and influenced her brother’s suicide at 24 years of age, after graduating from college. She shares her personal devastation from the event, and how reconnecting with her brother through a medium changed her life putting her on a spiritual path.

Rev. Sally explains to Dr. Sandra what bridging from organized/traditional religions to metaphysical practices looks like and some experiences. She shares some stories of visitors to a shop she had that sold religious and metaphysical items and their confusion and reactions.

Dr. Sandra and Rev. Sally discuss love, kindness, and how to spiritually navigate your life, and manage during the intense current events occurring around the world.


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