Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast

A Course in Miracles, Be Brave, Be Curious with Guest Marcia Grace

Dr. Sandra Marie/MarciaGrace Season 2 Episode 35

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Episode 35
MarciaGrace best known for her 40 plus years of work with A Course in Miracles joins Dr. Sandra Marie for a fun lively conversation focusing on her spiritual journey. Have you ever wondered what A Course in Miracles was all about? I have and the assumptions I had were definitely off base. MarciaGrace talks about the how the course came into being, how it has changed lives, and her experiences teaching the course. Truly fascinating story. 
She also talks about her early life and exposures to spirituality and feeling like she was living a double life and decided to come out of the spiritual closet.  MarciaGrace talks about her latest project "Awakening Spirit", her work with business leaders, and her pull to become an interfaith minister. 
They end the show talking about MarciaGrace's meeting Ram Dass and the Dalia Llama.

Website: https://marciagrace.com
Email: mg@marciagrace.com

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