Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast

Mystical Egypt and Cosmic Connections! Featuring Dr. Steve Koc

Dr. Sandra Marie/Steve Koc Season 3 Episode 46

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Episode 46

Dr. Sandra Marie and Dr. Steve Koc discuss their profound experiences during a trip to Egypt and the spiritual connections they felt. They share their personal journeys and how they have been shaped by their spiritual experiences. The conversation explores the concept of downloads, where individuals receive a large amount of information quickly, and the role of intuition and cosmic memories. The discussion highlights the importance of trusting one's own intuition and the inter-connectedness of individuals and the spiritual realm. In this conversation, Dr. Sandra Marie and Dr. Steve discuss various spiritual concepts and the importance of living a heart-driven life. They touch on topics such as reincarnation, and the existence of multiple lifetimes. They emphasize the importance of kindness and serving others, as well as the power of uplifting and connecting with all individuals. The conversation concludes with a message of gratitude and a reminder to embrace one's wild soul.


  • Profound spiritual experiences can occur during trips or journeys, leading to personal growth and transformation.
  • Trusting one's intuition can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and the spiritual realm.
  • Synchronicities and connections with others can provide validation and support on the spiritual journey.
  • Be in the here and now and give and serve as much as you can, feel it in the heart.
  • There is power in uplifting and connecting with all individuals.


Dr. Steve Koc

Website: www.drstevekoc.com
email: dr.chaka@hotmail.com

Dr. Sandra Marie
ite: Wildsoulsgathering.com
mail: sandra@wildsoulsgathering.com

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