Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast

Bridging the Gap: Sexual and Spiritual Connection Cultivating Emotional Intimacy as a Foundation for Sexual Intimacy Featuring Dr. Elsbeth Muth and Freddie Zental-Weaver

Dr. Sandra Marie/Dr. Elsbeth Muth and Freddie Zental-Weber Season 3 Episode 50

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Episode 50

In this conversation, Dr. Sandra Marie interviews Dr. Elsbeth Muth and Freddie Zental-Weaver, a husband-wife team  who have dedicated their lives to helping couples and singles create lasting intimacy and fulfillment. They discuss the relevance of intimacy on consciousness and physicality, as well as their journey with intimacy. Elsbeth shares her personal story of healing and clearing past wounds, while Freddie talks about how he discovered the power of integrating sex and meditation at a young age. They also explain the concept of Tantra and its integration of Eastern and Western approaches to intimacy. The conversation includes a discussion on the first National Intimacy Day and the importance of bridging the gap between sexual and spiritual connection. The conversation explores the importance of embracing and understanding our sexual energy and how it can be harnessed for personal growth and creativity. It emphasizes the need to tap into our impulses and desires without judgment, and to breathe into and transmute the energy rather than suppressing or diverting it. The discussion also highlights the significance of balancing the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves and in relationships.


  • Intimacy has a profound influence on both consciousness and physicality.
  • Healing and clearing past wounds is essential for creating lasting intimacy.
  • Tantra is an integration of Eastern and Western approaches to intimacy, incorporating energy awareness, breath work, and intention.
  • Sexual and spiritual connection can be bridged through practices that integrate the physical and energetic aspects of our being.
  • National Intimacy Day is a celebration of intimacy in all its forms, including emotional, spiritual, mental, physical, and sexual intimacy. Sexual energy is a natural and powerful force that should be embraced and understood without judgment.
  • Breathing into and transmuting sexual energy can help reduce intensity and allow for conscious decision-making.
  • Balancing masculine and feminine energies is essential for personal growth and healthy relationships.
  • Cultivating emotional intimacy is a crucial foundation for sexual intimacy.

TantraNova website:
Elsbeth and Freddy: Show Notes with links

Dr. Sandra Marie
Website: wildsoulsgathering.com
Email: Sandra@wildsoulsgathering.com

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