Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast
Welcome to Wild Soul Gatherings, the sanctuary for the spiritually curious seeking to ignite their inner light! I’m Dr. Sandra Marie, a Reiki Master and Life Coach, called by a powerful message from SPIRIT to create this podcast. My journey into energy healing opened up a unique spiritual path, and now, I’m here to share that awakening with you.
As the host of Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious, I’m thrilled to connect with a global community of seekers from the U.S. to Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. This podcast is about cutting through the noise of the everyday world to help you reconnect with your true self, explore the mysteries of the universe, and experience the joy of spiritual growth.
Whether you’re just beginning to explore spirituality or have been on this path for years, there’s something here for everyone. So, hit that subscribe button, join our community, and let’s embark on this incredible journey together. The adventure awaits, open your heart, open your mind and let's dive in.
Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast
Unlock the Secrets of Consciousness and Spirituality Featuring Sara Wiseman
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Welcome to Wild Souls Gathering, your go-to channel for exploring the depths of consciousness and spirituality! 🌟 Enjoy this Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious Podcast episode. I'm your host, Dr. Sandra Marie, and today, we have an extraordinary episode that you won't want to miss. We're diving deep into the realms of consciousness and spirituality with our special guest, Sara Wiseman, a renowned channeler and spiritual teacher.
Are you curious about the mysteries of consciousness and spirituality? Do you seek to understand the deeper meanings of life and connect with your higher self? In this episode, we explore these profound topics with Sara Wiseman, who brings over a decade of experience in spiritual guidance and channeling.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- The connection between consciousness and spirituality
- How channeling can enhance your spiritual journey
- Practical tips for deepening your spiritual practice
- Sara Wiseman's personal journey and insights into the spiritual realm
Sara Wiseman is not just any spiritual teacher; she has helped thousands of people worldwide to connect with their higher consciousness and embrace their spiritual awakening. You can learn more about her transformative work on her website.
Did you know?
- Studies show that 80% of people who engage in spiritual practices report a higher sense of well-being and purpose.
- Consciousness and spirituality have been linked to improved mental health and emotional resilience.
Join us for this enlightening conversation that delves into the essence of consciousness and spirituality. Whether you're a seasoned spiritual seeker or just beginning your journey, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration.
- Spiritual awakening is the realization that the mainstream worldview is not accurate and that there is a way to connect with our soul self.
- Living from the soul involves detaching from drama, letting go of control, and embracing consciousness and authenticity.
- Self-love is essential for our spiritual journey and involves accepting and loving ourselves completely, as well as granting others the same freedom.
- Manifestation can be approached through the law of flow, which involves following the subtle nudges and synchronicities of the universe rather than trying to force outcomes.
- Divine portals are like doorways or spaces, allowing us to access different dimensions or experiences.
- Spirituality may eventually fade away as the concept of one consciousness becomes more prevalent.
Sara Wiseman
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Dr. Sandra Marie (00:04.622)
Enjoy this Wild Soul gathering production. I'm Dr. Sandra Marie. Pour yourself a really tall glass of spiritual curiosity and join me for the Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious Podcast. In the spirit of happy hour, cheers to some new insights, peace, revitalization, and perhaps an aha moment that may change your life. Hello, everyone. Today we'll be talking with Sara Wiseman. Sara, you have a wide range of accomplishments over the years.
You're a visionary teacher. You are intuitive. You're a channel. And you've taught literally tens of thousands of people and students over the years with your books, your courses, your trainings. You're the founder of Intuition University, which I myself was able to be a part of. You write an award-winning blog. You were doing the Daily Divine Blog. Now you do Divine Astrology. I hope I pronounced that right.
And honestly, you also host the popular Spiritual Psychic podcast. But if that's not enough, you're also a singer and songwriter who's won some awards for your music with the band's Martyrs of the Sound. So how awesome and what a difference you're making in the world. Welcome to the show. Oh, well, thanks so much for having you. I'm really excited to be here. You've been immersed in the spiritual work publicly for.
20 plus years and truly you've touched so many different lives and have made a difference. How did you get started on this path? How did it show up in your life or was it something that was always there? I think the whispers or the hints or the pebbles on the path were there, you know, when I was a child. I was one of those weird kids. I would go to the library and get out all the, not the Bible, but like the Torah, the
Dr. Sandra Marie (01:59.394)
Waker book, like I would go to the religion section and check out those books. And I don't really think at that age, like I even understood what I was reading, but there was something about it. I was just deeply attracted to whatever was in there, even though I wasn't understanding it correctly. And I think even though I would think I officially became psychic in 2000, I think I was psychic.
from my whole life. I think I had experiences of mediumship. I knew stuff. I just had this different view, like lots of people do, not just me, kind of from the very beginning. So it just took a long time to get on the path, is sort of the story of my life. was always there, but it took a long time to get on the path. Yeah. I can relate to that, actually. I do believe we just talked before we started this about getting messages.
You know, historically I was not so good at listening and following through, but after you get a few spiritual kicks in the butt, you get in line a little bit quicker. And part of it, it's obviously your spiritual growth. These days, there's a lot of talk about spiritual awakening. That term spiritual awakening is being thrown out there a lot. People will talk about going through a spiritual awakening. Other people are curious about what is a spiritual awakening? How would you describe a spiritual awakening?
I would describe it as the moment in which you understand that the worldview, like the worldview that we're given by our culture, by the mainstream media, by social media, by what would our, you know, the way we're raised, all of those belief systems, you just kind of realize like none of it's, none of it's correct and none of it's the way and that there is a way to connect in with your...
I would just call it your soul self or your collective soul. Once you drop into that space, it even, it just sort of feels like a distant memory of all the things you were told. And at that point you're awake and you're starting to walk the path. But it does take that looking at everything and just going, well, that's not really true. And that's not really true.
Dr. Sandra Marie (04:21.23)
I agree with that, but it's not really a truth. It's just kind of my opinion or my flavor of how I think. It's letting all that go, letting all of it go is what I think it is. You become aware of your consciousness. You become aware of yourself as soul. Yeah. That makes so much sense. People become more curious because things that we've been taught or indoctrinated would start not making sense. So you brought up the soul. We are
the soul, but many people, would say, I would say, mostly how I hear it language is people will say the soul is part of them, and they refer to my soul and they refer to their soul, our soul, my soul as a separateness versus a oneness. Your thoughts on that and can you explain it maybe a little bit different? My way of looking at things comes from channeling spiritual teachings. And so I have many various opinions and
do all kinds of reading and study, but I base my work on what I receive in channeling. I mean, maybe at the end of my life, I'll be like, whoops, I was following the wrong path this whole time. I don't know. But in the channeling, they say pretty specifically like we are in a human life, we are our body, our mind, ego, personality, which is what's usually run in the day, and then the soul self, which is consciousness.
The bigger part of this is that the soul self is not separate to us. It's part of the entire collective soul, which is consciousness, which people often call that God or source or all or oneness. We are in this container, but at the same time, we are a part of this collective that is consciousness. So we're all those things at once. That's how I look at the world.
That makes sense. I believe that it was in one of your recent divine astrologies, and actually it was interesting when I read it, because I heard someone else use the same example, that the body is a vehicle. And if you compare to a vehicle of driving a car, that basically our body is what we think we are, maybe, if you're not on the spiritual
Dr. Sandra Marie (06:45.73)
you know, the spiritual person on the human experience, right? So if we think about ourselves more consciously as we're driving the physicalness and how we manipulate the earth, and it's the soul that's actually the being, the spirit that drives it. So I was like, wow, that's the second time, like in the past month, I've heard this example from very different venues. I thought that was interesting. And did I speak it right?
Yeah, well, I would say like that about our bodies, the car, the our mind is like the chauffeur. And then the soul is kind of sitting in the back going, here's where we're really going. Here's where we're actually going. So I guess and the chauffeur, maybe the mind is kind of a tricky chauffeur who always wants to make stops, like to get snacks and, you know, like do all this distraction and the souls and the going, no, we just keep pressing on to our.
ultimate destination. Wow, that's great. That was, that's a great example. Can you give tips or examples on what would living from the soul look like? I think it's about kind of detaching from drama is for me personally, drama of, you know, relationship drama, dog drama.
social media drama, political drama, just kind of stepping away and sort of just seeing that as a kind of reality that a lot of people are attached to but isn't really that real. mean, all of those things are going to fade and be unimportant, whereas the soul is gonna keep existing infinitely.
I've heard it said in A Course in Miracles, but I've also heard it said other places. Like, the only thing that's real is the only thing that lasts or can't be diminished or taken away. And that's the only thing. Our political beliefs are gonna all go away. Our family drama is gonna all change lifetime after lifetime. It's just this one piece of consciousness that doesn't ever shift, that never dies, never lives. It just always is.
Dr. Sandra Marie (09:11.222)
Okay. Yeah. I like that. But I think the main thing is like whenever you see drama or maybe this maybe I'm just speaking to myself whenever I see drama it's like that's not the direction that's the incorrect direction just back away. Wait for further instruction. Drama anytime there's drama conflict. lot of heavy emotion. It's just like it's all the mind just the mind. Okay that makes sense.
I sort of do that frequently myself, I'm having a conversation and explaining something and then I'm like, I think I was just saying that to myself really, that I needed to hear that. Sometimes our words to other people are words that we really need to hear ourselves in their own way, right? For sure. Yeah, absolutely. So much, like just the synchronicity of how we run into somebody and then we just say or they say to us what we need to hear for sure. That's great.
I'm currently working on a project, a self-love project that's sort of a spiritual exploration challenge that I'm looking to do in the future. And I think that self-love is, it's so important on our journeys here on Earth. I won't say on this particular journey, I'm guessing it was on all of the particular journeys that we've been on. And I think we'll either struggle with it part of our lives or for many of us, we struggle with it our whole life.
Your thoughts on self-love related to living from our authentic selves. I think the reason we have so much need for the self-love journey right now is because in the generations in the past, know, self-love wasn't allowed really. Like we were taught self-hate really in, you know,
or maybe not self-hate, but self-shame or self-guilt or self-suffering. so we had like my parents' generation, couple generations before that, all of those generations were really taught to repress, hold back. You just followed the tradition, you didn't do what you wanted. And so now that we're getting more aware, this
Dr. Sandra Marie (11:33.354)
this entire shift of, that is not the correct view of how we should be in our lives. We really need to really flip the other way and accept everything. Love ourselves completely. dare to, not even dare to, but allow ourselves to be fully authentic. And so it's almost like the shadow side and then the positive side. And it's coming in so strong now because it was so strongly the other way in the last.
I'd say three generations. I don't know what it was like before that, but I imagine it wasn't that great then either. Yeah, I would guess not. And yeah, I hadn't thought of it that way. And you're right. We are taught unconsciously or consciously self-loathing the suffering. mean, yeah, when we get into a lot of religious dogma, suffering is a badge of honor. And in fact, it has been seen as a badge of honor.
I would say even in my world, you with work and sacrificing, you sacrifice for your kids, you sacrifice for your family. And it's just, I think at this age of my life, it's become this huge aha, like what were you thinking? Suffering, suffering is optional and it's a whole new mind shift. And I'm so excited for these new generations coming up because they truly do see it differently.
Yeah, I think also the idea of, you have to sacrifice for another and at a certain point, I mean, the generations before us were working pretty hard on just surviving. So that was their task. We have currently, we have slightly more luxury that in not in all parts of the world, but in some parts of the world, we have the option to do more than just survive, but kind of
sometimes sacrificing, right? We're sacrificing for our kids or, and sometimes that also equals some level of control. Like I'm gonna do this for you and then you owe me. And self-love really allows all of that to go away. It just allows, I will be the part of my, the best myself in all my aspects that I can be. And I'll also grant you,
Dr. Sandra Marie (14:00.91)
my child, my grandchild, whoever it is, my relationship, the same freedom. I don't have to control the outcome. I don't have to sacrifice so that you become a searching way. I can just let the universe care for you just as we've all been cared for. But it's kind of like a freedom from controlling also the hypervigilance of making sure everybody's going to be okay. So we can just let that go.
Nice. That's a good point. That's a really powerful insight. Yeah. Yeah. The control thing is sort of blowing up all over the place right now. Yeah. Yeah. In our world. So it'll be fun to be an observer and watch it from the outside as it plays out, I think. Yeah. Let's talk a little bit about manifesting. It's a big topic. It's out there, especially when we talk about spirituality, manifestation.
Abraham Hex, you know, there's a lot out there with it. And we have the law of attraction. It all seems so easy, but yet people will become very upset and concerned because they feel like their manifestation process is, it didn't work for me. What did I do wrong? It's not working for me. You know, some of the blocks are attachments to the outcomes and tension, the tensions that go with the intention. And, you know, at the end of the day, we
to get exactly what we manifest, which is not happy that we didn't maybe get it quite right. But you talk about the law of flow and that that is a new way of manifesting. Can you talk about the law of flow? I had not heard of that before. Yeah. Well, thank you so much. So I guess I kind of came into a lot of my understanding around the time,
I had the near death experience in 2000. And then right around that time, a lot of this stuff was, it was popular before, but for some reason I came in right when it was all just like pretty hot. And I started working with it and I was so, I could make it work pretty well. And I was so unhappy with what, you know, I need a car, I need a place to live.
Dr. Sandra Marie (16:27.87)
And I realized pretty soon, at least for me, like we talk about the body, the mind, ego, personality and the soul, for me, when my mind was trying to set things up how I thought it would be good, it really was somewhat of a disaster. Like I didn't know enough as a personality to pick the right things. Like as trying to manifest, you you talk about someone's picker is off, like I would just...
you know, try and pick these things that were completely wrong for me. So I started to think, well, maybe, maybe more people than me have this problem, probably, because most people are picking the wrong things. And I just started to just let it go and to see instead, like, where the universe was nudging me, like how the universe would draw these synchronicities or signs. And it almost became like this little, you know, the breadcrumb path.
And I just started to notice that the more I just followed that, the better things turned out. And the more I just followed the little subtle nudge, the more I was led to places where like I actually really wanted to be like at a heart level or a soul level to the people or the experiences that were really truly meaningful.
And then I like to figure out systems. So I just went back and was like, well, what is this all about? It's like, it's about being in a flow state. When you're manifesting in the old way, you're trying to force the universe. And of course we don't, we can't do that. When you're flowing, you're saying, okay, universe, you show me, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna follow along. And it just, it's like this effortless, well, it's not effortless when you block the thought.
You block the flow. But when you let go and don't attach and just sort of follow, it is really, you don't know where you're going, but you know it's going to be the most meaningful place for you to be and just that level of trust. So I found it works fantastic. And I really have been doing that for a very long time now. And I think it's a good approach. I would recommend it for sure.
Dr. Sandra Marie (18:49.71)
I would recommend that way. It makes sense because we just think that we have to come up with all the how-to's and how's this going to work and all of it. It's sort of funny because we touched a little bit about this podcast before we started the show. I had talked about not following divine messages and getting a few spiritual kicks in the butt. When this whole podcast thing came up, it like,
did not resonate with me any level. And I was resistant for about three days. I will say I had an adult toddler temper tantrum with spirit over it. And it was sort of like, well, fine, if that's what you want me to do, I'll figure this out and I'm going to do it. Not even really, and I still don't totally understand why I'm doing it. You know, like if there's some...
specific purpose or whatever behind it, other than I'm bringing, I shouldn't say that, huge messages to other people who are very curious and looking for answers to things that weren't readily available out there when I first started doing it. And it's still, think it's still pretty limited, but it honestly has taken on it's a life of its own. It's become relatively successful and seems to be going somewhere. feel like there's
something else there. I don't know what it is, but I'm okay with that now. Like, you know, Dr. Sandra Marie 10 years ago would not have been so much okay with that and it would have had a lot of resistance. It wouldn't have flowed this nicely and I would not be having the fun that I'm having with this. If anyone would have ever told me this was something I was doing and that I was enjoying it and feeling like it was a
a life purpose for me, would be like, what? No way. Well, you have the understanding to ask the questions that will bring answers that will create understanding for other people. So without that understanding, you couldn't be asking the right questions. And so, but you do have that. And I think that's why the universe is like, she gets it. Let's have her ask the question so people can hear it.
Dr. Sandra Marie (21:11.97)
Let's have her do it. Yeah. Yeah. It is pretty cool. You know, if one thing doesn't resonate with you out of the couple of years I've done this, I would like to think there's something that's been put out there that'll resonate with you because different, the path is so unique for each person and how to get there and the comfort level, like what's comfortable for people to get there is just so different. So it's, it's been pretty cool. That's great.
I like that you said the path is like even like I feel like I'm kind of on this narrow and deep path like I'm very specific to my journey but even so I think it's important for all of us to sort of take a look at other paths other traditions and just kind of immerse ourselves and well what are other people think about this you know why are we here what's the journey about
There's lots of ways of looking at this of why we're here and what the meaning of our lives is about. And so it's just interesting to explore and, you know, even if you know fully already, I'm supposed to be like, I'm supposed to be channeling and teaching. You're supposed to be doing whatever it is. So it's good to explore. Yeah. Well, even when we just, we were talking about self-love a few minutes ago.
I met someone and he, you know, they use a lot of different techniques for just little self love to get you through the day or whatever. And this was fascinating to me is he has you say, I like myself. And I've moved away from, I love myself because I love myself is easy for me to say. It's easy for me to say, I said this to one of my kids. Well, my daughter actually had this, this
watch she bought me when she was in college a long time ago and she had it engraved. And she, when she gave it to me for Christmas, she was crying. She was upset. said the engraver put the wrong thing on the watch. And I says, you know, it's, it's okay. Like I really appreciate it was really cool piece watch. was very hippie. I loved it. And when I looked at it, it said, I like you. And I looked at her and I says, you know what, Linz, lot of, a lot of kids love their parents, but they don't really like them so much.
Dr. Sandra Marie (23:41.39)
So if you like me, honestly, this means more to me. Well, what's interesting over the years is I've done this work to say, like myself was so much harder to say than I love myself. And I really like started paying attention to that. so when, you know, I'm working on shifting my energy from whatever energy or event that may be going on or, you know, a difficult meeting, I'll just take a deep breath and say to myself, I like myself.
and it's such a shift, but it took me a while to get there. that's, I think that's the gift of what you said, listening to different people is just different little ahas will pop up with you. Yeah, yeah. And then you can take what you need the most or that make the most sense and use it for as long as it makes sense. And then maybe it'll continue forever or maybe there'll be something else and just kind of being open. The universe will provide.
you know, the little drop of nectar that you need in that moment. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. In your work, you talk a little bit about divine portals. Can you talk a little bit about divine portals? Oh, no. Here we go. Yeah. Yeah. I journey around a lot in meditation and
I don't know. Like I teach a lot of folks and there are some groups that I've been with, you know, for multiple years where we are doing meditation together and I know that those people can journey the same as I can. So I know that lots of people can do this, but I still find it kind of amazing like where like yesterday we had the solar eclipse.
here and not here in the world-wide, not just for me. But it was just for you. It was just for all of us. That would be, well, there you go. It was just for each of us. during that, I was meditating during that and these beings came who I'd never met before. They were sort of Mayan or Aztecian. They had like these golden caps and these rays streaming out. And then I thought, well, maybe those are actually like the
Dr. Sandra Marie (26:03.982)
halo, maybe I'm seeing it wrong. And we went into this space I've never been in. And this is, it's not necessarily common for me to have those beings, but journeying into like an alien portal or a Celtic portal or a past life portal or to the next grocery store to see what's going on portal. Like it's very easy in my...
For me, that's one of the things that's easy for me is to just go into different spaces and time in the dimension in meditation. So a portal, I'd like to think of it as, I don't know, it's just like a little place anywhere where the veil is thin, maybe might be away, or it's like a little doorway you can slip through in your consciousness to go elsewhere and see what's happening. And obviously I don't know how it works.
But you know, maybe some quantum person does, but that's just what I experienced. so part of my practice is to just be really open, like, where could I go? And I don't try to go to a specific place. I'm just like, take me there and seeing what happens. A lot of places I don't even know necessarily like those beings. I don't really know who they are, what it's all about.
So that idea of a portal as a little place, I kind of think, I want to say wormhole, but I don't think it's that. It's like a little place you can go to another place in the mind's eye or in meditation or from a place of consciousness. I would kind of guess that as humans develop, we're going to be able to do this physically, but obviously not today, you know, that I know of.
I mean, I think generations and generations, people will be able to very Star Trek-ish, like, know, beam over somewhere else. you know, obviously we can't do that. No, but I honestly, the concept is very real to me. I don't think that we're necessarily that far away from it, to be honest with you. I do a lot of work with a fellow named Jim Self, and he talks a lot about the mechanics of spirituality.
Dr. Sandra Marie (28:28.654)
And the first time I heard the term the mechanics of spirituality, I thought, well, that's interesting, you know? But it's all the sacred geometry and the vibrations and the color coding and all of these things play together. So when you were talking, I know what you're talking about is very real. And I was chuckling inside when you said, I'm not exactly sure how it all works. All I kept thinking was,
I'm sure Jim would sit there and like diagram this whole thing out for you and tell you exactly how it works. each, you know, there's so many different energies on the planet that have lots of different pieces to the puzzle. I'm not really sure that anyone has all the pieces to the puzzle. But there's a lot of pieces to the puzzle out there. it's like, you know, a lot of times anymore, it's for me, it's like, wow, that's, that's another piece to the puzzle that I didn't get as I'm putting the puzzle together to
to get to what I think my potential end game of this is, is to become my real self, my spiritual self, fully in this physical form. And I think with everything that's happening energetically on the planet, everything that's happening with the solar flares and all, I don't even know how to, so.
With that being said, I'm gonna ask you, like, the energy is, like, off the charts incredible that's out there, and it's affecting a lot of different ways. have, you know, people talk about the dark, dense energy, so I don't even wanna go there. We know that exists, and we're evolving out of it. With all this new energy that's, like, hitting and seems to be, like, hitting on a routine basis, how's it been affecting you? Well, I know that after the eclipse, and I know this will, you know, air,
to different times, but that was just yesterday's. I was not manic. I was on fire with not power. I don't even know. was just... And so today I had my student group and they all went through it at different places in Europe or the US and...
Dr. Sandra Marie (30:49.55)
And only one person reported being pretty wiped out. They just like sort of blew up and had to take a nap. that feeling of everything fell away from before, like all the struggles from maybe 2016-ish. The last eclipse was 2017. that, all the struggle, it just dropped out. Like it no longer existed, at least personally for me.
Obviously, the world is going to take its own time frame to have that. this idea is again, like we've come into a different dimension. We've come into a different portal as a collective. And that was pretty exciting. I was pretty nervous actually moving up to the cliff. I kept seeing things like nuclear-y kind of fire and volcano and just all that.
That didn't seem to do what happened. It's almost like we had internal combustion and we blew up the past is sort of how I'm looking at it now. We'll see how it goes. Some of the people reported today, one person reported that she could suddenly see horizontal energy planes. Another person reported that an elderly person they were caring for who had dementia, actually two people reported this.
those people suddenly became totally lucid. so, yeah, there's something, I mean, maybe it won't last, you know, we don't know, but different experiences like that where, again, our accepted version of reality, this is how it is, the sort of sludging through the mud of despair, suddenly it all broke open, wasn't there anymore. And I think even a glimpse of that gives us
Even a glimpse of that gives us hope of how things can be if we all just attune to this different level or different dimensionality. We can just be there, but, you know, we're not there fully, but hopefully this event will help us. Yeah, I feel like it's going to catapult. It's interesting your description because I've been working on this golden orange light coating in my crown chakra to set it up to meet, which sort of matches.
Dr. Sandra Marie (33:13.9)
your color description.
When the eclipse happened, I'm up in Ohio, I'm from Cleveland. Cleveland had beautiful, I watched it live from NASA off of there. That was the last of all the old energy leaving the planet. And when it came back, the light is actually a different frequency, light kind of thing that's, you know, I'm all ready for this to all happen and take place and be done and over with like tomorrow or next week. And I have to keep.
Remembering this is a process that will probably take 10, I think it's gonna happen a lot quick. We're not talking generations. I don't believe, but I think. Yeah. I don't know, but I think, you know, the, when we paradigm shift at that level so quickly, you know, it's like giving someone, like someone here in Oregon just won the like $1.3 billion lotto, right? So.
that person, they should be terrified. They should be terrified, you know, because that amount of change is too much all at once. so that kind of thing too, like I don't know when we'll all get to consciousness, but there is something to be said for kind of letting things be at a pace that's comfortable for everyone because otherwise we'll just kind of blow our circuits, you know, it's too much to handle. And also even
So many people are so immersed in the shadow side of life. If they come into light, they will have to process their regret. I mean, they could just come through clear, but there may also be this processing of despair, shame, grief, regret. I don't know. I would imagine, at least in the old system.
Dr. Sandra Marie (35:11.454)
waking up and kind of like looking at the past, how you live. There may be some coming to integration with that. I don't know. I think it's a really interesting time to be human and this idea, you know, we do get to be here in this really special time. It's amazing. Yeah. I was just gonna ask you that. this is a, I want to say this is a once in a lifetime. Yeah, it is. This is a once in all of the lifetimes.
I'm said could ever have been left time. And here we are here. We are experiencing it, talking about it and actually being leaders and teachers to help people through it. Like this is just so intensely special. It is an, know, we're women. We have unlike before we have literacy, which we wouldn't have had several generations ago.
We're just, free to, the society is free enough that we can, at least today, spread these ideas without fear of religious or political, you know, retribution. So it's kind of amazing. Yeah. Yeah. It's a beautiful thing. I love it. So next, this is going to be a little bit different. I'm going to throw a couple of concepts out and ask you to differentiate between the two of them.
Ooh, test. Okay. It's not, you're going to be like, once they do it, this, and this is sort of your world. Maybe. Don't ask me about, don't ask, don't ask me about cooking though, because I have no answers for that. I cannot do that at all or gardening either. It's like nothing practical. Okay. I'm ready to go. Okay. Fair enough. Then I think, I think we're going to do well with this.
thought that was channeling versus receiving messages. People seem to get confused about that. I think they're the same. Okay. I suppose channeling is more traditionally used as people like Seth or Abraham and Hicks where they're channeling through voice. But I pretty much, as far as I know, I only channel in writing. I consider that channeling too.
Dr. Sandra Marie (37:26.09)
If I'm trying to say it in a softer way for people that maybe don't like that term channeling, I'll call it receiving. But I think they're identical. You just open up and you become the channel. You become the receiver. You become the chuvah conduit. It's all the same. So it's not like you're having a conversation with the Archangelics or Yeshua or someone like that. Would that be a challenge in your conversation? Sometimes.
I don't think there's any differentiation. Sometimes there'll be more of a character, but at a certain point, it's like a guide that has more of a personality. Yeah, but at certain point, the information will start to come through so quickly or so clearly. Like you even forget, it's just like, just coming through and you don't even relate to like, it's not a slow process. just, it's almost like a downloaded sequence of
language or music or you know art I guess things that things that come through. Okay. So I don't think like I never experienced like the slower like question response question response I experience more like okay here I am and then I just try and keep up. Okay. For me. Is it
Well, I was going to say, I don't think it's just for you. Is it hard to keep up with all that stuff, like just blasting it? And sometimes I get stuff and it's like, this is really cool and important. And then like, I can't remember it in five minutes. Yes. Well, I think my process is mostly I work on the laptop and like right now I'm actually since January, I've been receiving, I don't receive all the time or channel all the time.
I just think I can't do it more than like an hour. That's about, then I get kind of pretty tired. Like I try not to take any breaks. try and just, that again, that exhaustion, but I've been doing it for a long time. I mean, at the beginning I could probably do five minutes. So it's sort of like, it's sort of like you just can get your stamina kind of to stay with it and not get tired.
Dr. Sandra Marie (39:45.718)
It's sort of like your energy starts to match and you're able to meet it where it's at a little bit more. Yeah, or maybe you just... I'm not sure. It almost reminds me like if you're weightlifting, you can't lift very much at the beginning and then if you just keep going, you can lift more, but you got to keep showing up. That's how I see it. Yeah, that makes sense. Actually, that's a great example. Yeah. OK.
Knowing versus thinking. so those are very different, I think. Well, in the way that I would use them. Thinking is the mind, it's knowledge, it's facts, science, it's the person you mentioned who has all the systems of knowing how to go through portals. Knowing is you just know. It's so fully complete to you that you don't even have to.
put it into words or explain a system, you just do it. Thinking would be, I'm gonna learn this dance step and I'm gonna watch a bunch of TikTok and take notes and left foot, right foot to me. Knowing will just be, I'm doing the dance. Does that, yeah, that's right. Okay. Is there Multi-dimensional. That makes sense to me. That fits in.
Well, these are a lot of questions that actually type of questions I get back from listeners. And I thought, you know what, I'm just going to sort of throw this out here. Cause I feel like these are things that like, these are your everyday life. Yeah. I thought, you know, for you, it's like, okay, yeah, this is what it is. Right. That's true. Multi-dimensional versus one dimensional living. Multi-dimensional.
That's good. Multidimensional is being aware of everything all at once, all the time. Okay. It's consciousness because in my version of the universe, we're always in many lifetimes all at once in many dimensions all at once. Everything's happening and we're just in this human life sort of trying to keep up with one little part of it.
Dr. Sandra Marie (42:07.646)
One dimensional, I actually don't think one dimensional exists because I believe in multi-dimensional, but I would say that's, that is the social construct, the culture. You get the job. In some lifetimes you get the job, you get the spouse, you get the family, you work, you go to church, you die. Like that it's just, there's no room for any other view. That's how I would see it.
And that's just a very limited example, but that idea of following in a set path with to know what would find your song to any other ideas. Well, you explain that better than I would. I would have said it would be someone who's in denial of everything else that's going on. there's, it's sort of like a fallacy type of mindset that the one dimension. Next. Nope. Go ahead. You're thinking of no, you.
You pondered it. Well, think sometimes people sometimes people live in denial or in one dimension because they're really terrified of feeling what, you know, what will happen if they go into these other and then their lives have to change. You know, they're terrified. So they're like, I'm just going to stick on this path. I know it'll work. And it will. It's just not that exciting of a way to live a life.
I'm glad we went back to that because as soon as you said that I thought, because it's not safe. Consciousness and spirituality.
Well, consciousness is a state of being and spirituality is more like the name for the belief system. So consciousness is like, let's see, spirituality is like Catholicism. It's a segment. It's a belief system. Consciousness is just the way. That's interesting that you said that because I was debating asking this, but now I'm going to ask it.
Dr. Sandra Marie (44:18.466)
So do you see the term spirituality fading away? almost feel like spirituality, what is spirituality now is what religion was for the past eons and that spirituality will start to shift into the one consciousness. I think that's exactly right. And I was even reading some, gosh, I don't remember.
But some people were, I really like to do meditations in groups where we do like future looking. We kind of look into the future and see what it's like. And I did one of those with you. It was interesting. Yeah. Okay. So I'm going to do one pretty soon again, actually. So thank you for Joe, write that down. I don't think I, it wasn't in the group that I did, but it was somebody did something and wrote about it. And what they saw was that
I don't know where this came from, but it was this idea that within 50 years, we won't even have spirituality. There will be no religion, there will be no spirituality. It'll just be kind of understood as consciousness oneness. Maybe, it might not have been 50 years, but it was in the future, not too far from now. All of these ideas will have been superseded by a bigger idea.
of our connectedness as was. Okay, that's really interesting. And again, I think a lot of things are going to happen a lot quicker. So this is that had been on my mind a lot lately, and I've wanted to ask it for probably to a couple of guests. And it was like, I don't know that you want to go down that path. So thank you for letting me feel safe enough to go down that path, because it really has been on my mind.
a lot. Yeah, and it's, you know, as people come out of religion into spirituality, that's kind of, for some of them, that's a big enough leap. And then if we're saying, oh, we're not even going to have spirituality, then that's like, what? No, it's too much change. So I can see why you might have had hesitancy, but I think it will work out over time. Yeah, I think it will. And you know, my podcast is about spirituality and I'm like, do you really want to go down that path with this?
Dr. Sandra Marie (46:44.064)
And I think that we're headed there already. Some people are just getting started with it, but there's so many people in different phases and different places of the path. think the leaders or whatever you want to call them, it's happening. Yeah, like the pioneers or the explorers, they might not even be leads.
they might not even be leading, they might just be exploring in their own way. Pioneers and explorers, much better way to say it, Yeah. Those blazing the trail. Yeah. You're a trailblazer, do you feel like you're a trailblazer? Yeah, I do. feel like I'm, every time I go into past lives, I'm always like this French trapper in Canada, like in ancient times, and I'm literally crossing from the east to the west through the wilderness.
I'm like, yeah, that's kind of like now too. Like, thank goodness I don't have to do the pelts and things this time. Yeah, I feel like there's not a lot of markers and I have gotten okay with that pretty much. I used to hope that there would be a lot of people thinking really similarly and there probably are some, but I don't necessarily meet them all in my daily life. And I just look kind of like, well, that's just my path in this life is meant to be cut.
explore, see what's out there. Well, I appreciate you being the trailblazer and doing it. Thank you. And it does put you in an interesting situation and sort of, you know, as we're moving out of the duality of our existence as a humanity and as the earth, because everything's evolving, it is interesting. I call it, you know, being in the spiritual closet and had a lot of conversations about it.
in earlier shows, but you know, like this is my life, but I don't talk about it with in a lot of other areas of my life just because it's not a fit. And it took me a while to realize that it doesn't make me, I don't know what's the right term, like a fraud or anything. It's just like, it's just not part of that existence. And I'm okay with that now. Yeah, that's
Dr. Sandra Marie (49:09.43)
That's really good. think, especially, you know, we used to live much more rural and now we live more urban. And I really had bought, it's more population. I'll meet lots more people who kind of have the same view. like, no, not at all. Definitely everyone's more liberal, which is great. And so I decided that that's the huge value of the internet because we can reach.
people from everywhere, like we can reach our small niche of those who we want to, or not want to, but those who are thinking similarly. Yeah. Like I had in my group today, I South Africa, Germany, Australia, Norway. I can't even remember, and then all over the US and Canada. And I was just like, that's because it's a very niche group and we have to find each other.
You know, that's like, wait, it's not just like we're on every street corner. That makes total sense. Yeah. Because sometimes it can, I don't know that it gets me in trouble. Sometimes I have to realize when I get immersed into my small group. So like in spirituality, like I'm really excited about this, the intergalactics and the connections and you know, it's happening, it's happening. Like it's now.
with a lot of this, you know, a lot of these things, you are talked about as future states. And, you know, with our conversation, just with being a trailblazer, I think even within the spiritual community, sometimes people don't get like this is happening now. in whatever my spiritual community is that world, like it's very accepted and even people who didn't
It wasn't part of their conversation maybe five years ago or two years ago. Like this is everyday part of the conversations. Like, you know, this is happening, the portals are, you know, opening. There's a lot going on. So sometimes I have to remember that because in that little world, it's so real to remember that the greater world is not quite feeling that. And, you know, you have to sort of filter your conversation with your audience. Yeah.
Dr. Sandra Marie (51:30.956)
Yeah, yeah, I agree with all of that completely. That makes sense to me. It's interesting time. But that being said, I truly believe that the children being born now and the more recent children that have been born, that they're different, that they're coming in with these gifts. I know this might sound silly. I mentioned this to a friend. I'm like,
When you look at people sending you pictures of their grandkids or people having kids, like their eyes are wide open. These kids are animated like, like as soon as they pop out. Like I've never seen pictures like this before. I'm like, these, these kids are different. can see it. I can see it in them and I can see it in their interactions. So they're coming more evolved and that's all part of the next stage of the work that you're doing. wrote a book about.
supporting kids or raising kids with psychic abilities and spiritual gifts. And I almost feel like it's a book that like is going to hit significant popularity like now or in the next couple of years, because these, I just feel really strongly and this gets into the knowing thing too. These kids are different and you know, are of my generation are
Even the kids like, I don't know that they're going to quite get their kids. Can you talk a little bit about that book and some of the tips that you put out there? Yeah. Thank you. I didn't have grandkids yet. I'm hoping that someday I might. And I'm pretty excited to, I mean, we'll see what the parents say if it's allowed. But if it's allowed, I'm just going to train those kids like all the techniques, like, let's go. You're two years old. Let's do this.
We'll see if that happens. But the book, it's called Your Psychic Child. And I wrote it when I was pretty deep in the raising of my own. had, I think, three kids at home at that point, and maybe the youngest was like four five. And so I was able to kind of look at them all in the different stages of like toddlerhood, young child, early teen, teen kind of thing. And just sort of
Dr. Sandra Marie (53:51.946)
assess like what they could be taught and how to teach them in a way that would make sense to them. And so like instead of a spirit guide, we worked with the idea. I don't even remember what we called it. It wasn't called a psychic buddy, but it was sort of like that. you give them a way to have the language for the being that they're already in connection with. Like my daughter had the being squishy who was always with us, this being and
We give them the language so that they can do the work without getting really heavy on the terms that we would use. And there's some apps like Mindful is apps for kids. They're kind of starting to do this, but it just, provides a softer language that shows the kids how to do all the techniques or many of the techniques in a way that's age appropriate for them. It doesn't really get into too much oneness theory. It's more like the how to like.
Because kids can do these clairvoyant techniques just like that. They're so fast, it's not even hard for them. They're like, what else you got? know, shit. They're like, show me this, predict this, okay, done, what else? Predict this. It's just so simple for them. And it's just, they don't have the belief that they can't do it, and so it's still retained. They're pure in them, they've not been socialized out of it. Yeah, they used to. been socialized out.
I know with, I have some grandkids when they were younger, they have a little bit of an obsession with crystals and love to play with the crystals and the tuners and they'd like be two or three and they were very drawn to them. And so I would just like have them pick out the tuner or pick out the crystal and then sort of look and see what it meant. And it was fun and it's actually, I was learning from them to be quite honest with you because I felt like they were very pure in it.
But, you know, I did get talked to for a couple of times, like, what were you doing with the kids when you watched them today? you're teaching them that witchy stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Well, but it's all good. Yeah. It's interesting. I'm not really very like we have in our house tons of crystals that are very specific and important. And I am not very
Dr. Sandra Marie (56:17.568)
I think because I'm mostly air signs, I'm not really very attached to crystals or like it's all clairvoyance and channeling for me. It's and I think that's interesting. And then other people will be, you know, very much into that, or maybe they'll do animal communication or they'll do hands healing or they'll do medium shift. And I'm just very specific to my area and I can do the rest, but it doesn't
It's not my task. And so I think it's interesting that we have all of these sort of precise, specific talents and then, you know, making the puzzle together is sort of what we're doing. no, I agree with you. And again, that goes back to different people get attracted to different pieces of the puzzle and making it all work. Different parts. Yeah. Do you do you leverage nature at all for your own sanity?
as well as your spirituality? Yes. Oh yeah. Yes. Yes. As much as possible. Yeah. I don't know. I was thinking so interesting because so the last 30 plus years I've lived along though very close to the Willamette River and with each move like, now I'm on the Willamette River in Oregon here. Now I'm on it six miles here. Now I'm on it.
one hour here. I'm always on this consistent, and I think it's this specific river too, like I'm like, why? But the sense of place, the eagles, the trees, yeah, it's just, that is the most, the forest out here of Pacific Northwest is just astounding. It's so clear when you go there and just kind of relax. So I just,
I can't get enough of it. And I don't do any more. Like I used to do more deep nature and now that I'm older and calmer, well, maybe not today, but just even a little bit is astounding. It's so amazing. Yeah. I think it's really important. And I think that it, I think it's not in a lot of people's purview. And even when you live urban, there's a lot of nature in urban areas. It's just shifting your mindset and looking to see what's there and how to use that.
Dr. Sandra Marie (58:41.006)
Yeah, I'm kind of shocked by how people don't know what that is or appreciate why. Sometimes going down to this park, so I'm in the city now and going down to this park on the river and it'll be a beautiful day and there just won't be that many people there. I'm like, this is the best place you could be. And then other days I'll be there in the rain. I don't mind, I just put on my jacket. It's like, this is astounding. And
Nobody's really there. You'd think it would be the main attraction, but it's not. And that's the idea of the waking up over time. It will change. Well, that's true. That makes sense. I when I lived most of my life in Cleveland, they have beautiful metro parks and it's right on the lake and stuff. And it's exactly what you said. I would go down to this vast area and these metro parks with the
the river, the Rocky River and stuff. And literally, I'd have the whole place to myself. It was sort of a beautiful thing. And the nature is like, who's that? There's a human who knows that we're here. Let's go see, you know, and let's have that communication back and forth. The awareness is about two ways, you know, it's not just us to them, it's them to us. Well, and I think that's an important, you know, that's important that you brought that up because the planet and everything on the planet
and beyond the planet's alive. I think many times that gets missed that there's life in everything, which means there's energy in everything. mean, you go back to crystals and rocks, right? Well, those puppies are interacting with you. Like you can feel that energy. And it's specific, that's, you know, someone else might say it's a rock. I wouldn't even go further to say that even things like
you know, my little water bottle or my pen or any inanimate object is communicating exactly at the same, not at the same vibrational level as a crystal because it's specific, but it is communicating its history and its awareness. when we tune in, everything tunes in back to us. So it's just when we don't tune in, then we don't receive any of it. Yeah, that's a mind's...
Dr. Sandra Marie (01:00:59.978)
Mindset that I think we'll be seeing shifting more and more in the mainstream a little bit of a ways to go there but It's that recognition that it's not just us yeah, like we're just a small part of yeah microcosm. Yeah, yeah, bigger picture. Yeah. Yeah I was thinking when we did those future meditations that we discussed a little earlier one of the things that came out was the
importance of the plants and all of plant life to like in those future. wasn't, was, I think we did, I don't know which one you were in, but we did three years, 30 years and 300 years. And I think that the three years, the plants were revered as one of the most important parts of life. Like they were the beings that were the most important to.
our survival, our health, our food, the oxygen, everything was, it was the plants. The value shift. It's actually the recognition which creates the value shift. We take an awful lot for granted, yeah, definitely. Yeah. So Sarah, speaking of that, if someone wanted to work with you, what would that look like and how do they get ahold of you? It's like, I thought about that question and I thought you have so, so much out there.
You know, your spectrum is very significant. I'll you run with that. Yeah. I think if people want to work seriously, they would want to be in the group training, which is, it's not hard, but it's intense. then for people who, that's for people that like, I'm going to dive into this fully. And for people who want to have a
a self study, take their own pays, it's affordable, then we have courses. And then the last would be the books. And I only say that because I haven't, I'm working on some new books right now. books are great, but I haven't had anything new for a while. So what's coming is not there yet. And that will be really amazing, but it's not, I'm not done. So, and then I do have a YouTube.
Dr. Sandra Marie (01:03:22.574)
Which is pretty active like I'm teaching on that at least once a week and sometimes more so that's good, so it's Sarah Wiseman comm is the website and they can just go meander around and look and see what seems appealing I tried to have something for all levels of Interest and time and and then there's also a free mini course, which I really think is cool the magic of blind readings
And that's just, you can just sign up and that's a free gift that people can see if they like this style of work. Because honestly, if someone came in and they were like a super hands healer, they shouldn't be doing clairvoyance and channeling. They should go take hands healing work, you know? sort of like making sure it's a right fit is really important. So, cause everyone has these different gifts. Nice. Thank you for everything you're putting out there. So we talked a little bit about
the craziness of the world some thoughts for the folks that are listening on a way that they can keep their center and manage what's happening there. Yeah, I think this idea of when there's drama, disengage, and that also means in your mind when you get all flustered by what you're reading and looking at.
Part of it is too, like we have the newsfeed and it's not all true actually, so it's a little surprise there. So like just continually disengaging from the drama and asking to see what's real. Just pray or meditate and just like show me what's really going on. Even in spirituality, there's tons and tons and tons of misinformation and fear information and superstition. Just like.
Okay, if I feel agitated, I want to disengage from that and I want to just go into my soul self and meditate and ask, what's the real guidance here? Like, what is really happening? And go with that instead. Follow the chatter. It's like none of it really matters. What's really happening, you're going to know. Okay, that makes sense. I've been saying all year, turn the TV off.
Dr. Sandra Marie (01:05:44.556)
Yeah. my gosh. Get your phone. Don't look at your phone. Yep. Drop out of a lot of social media. Yeah. Just keep, just again, drop out of family drama if they're telling you this and that. Just drop out. Just drop out. It's not, it's not the truth. Okay. That's, that's very important information. So as we're going to tie this up, any last thought for the listeners?
No, I'm just what an interesting conversation and I'm so grateful to have the chance to reconnect with you. It's been wonderful. So I do want to thank you and I do want to take this time to thank all of our listeners out there who take time out of their day to listen to both you and I, Sarah. And again, thank you for all your work in being that trailblazer out there until next time. Thank you.
Thank you for joining us for this episode of Wild Soul Gathering's Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious. To learn more about our guests, please go to our website, WildSoulsGathering.com. We're very eager to hear from our listeners what you thought of the episode, topics you might like us to cover in the future, your thoughts on spirituality, questions you may have. Please feel free to send us an email at WildSoulsGathering.gmail.com.
This is your host, Dr. Sandra Marie, sending each of you peace and love. Until we meet again, embrace your wild soul.