Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast

The Spiritual Power of Tarot: Exploring Consciousness with Joe Geores

Dr. Sandra Marie/Rev Joe Geores Season 3 Episode 57

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Tarot, consciousness, and spirituality—these are three powerful forces that can transform your life. In this 2024 Wild Soul Gatherings Live Summer Summit Replay Dr. Sandra Marie, the host of the Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious Podcast, sits down with Joe Geores, a Tarot Card Reader, teacher, and medium, to explore how these elements intertwine and influence our spiritual journey.

If you've ever been curious about how Tarot can be a gateway to deeper levels of consciousness and a guide on your spiritual path, this conversation is one you can't miss. Joe Geores shares his wealth of knowledge and experience, explaining how the Tarot, consciousness, and spirituality are interconnected and how they can be used to enhance your personal growth.

Why Should You Watch?
Right from the start, we dive into how the Tarot is more than just a set of cards—it's a tool that can unlock hidden aspects of your consciousness and elevate your spirituality. Through insightful dialogue, Joe uncovers the layers of meaning within theTarot and how it can guide you in understanding your spiritual essence.

In today's fast-paced world, where more people are seeking ways to deepen their connection to the universe, the topics of the Tarot, consciousness, and spirituality have never been more relevant. Statistics show that interest in Tarot has surged by 30% in the last year alone, reflecting a growing desire to explore the mystical and spiritual realms. This episode taps into that desire, offering valuable insights that can help you navigate your own spiritual journey.

What You'll Learn:

  •     How Tarot can reveal deeper layers of your consciousness.
  •     The role of theTarot in guiding your spiritual growth and understanding.
  •     Joe’s personal experiences and insights as a Tarot reader and medium,              shedding light on how the Tarot, consciousness, and spirituality can work         together to transform your life.

Call to Action:
Don’t miss out on this eye-opening episode! Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more enlightening discussions that delve into the heart of spirituality. Join the community @Wild Soul Gatherings YouTube Channel and take the next step on your spiritual journey.

Contact Joe Geores: Revjoeg@comcast.net

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Dr. Sandra Marie (01:14)
I hear you. How are you? That is so cool being heard. We all strive to be heard, know. Everybody's got a message. know, everybody wants to know that people are paying attention. And that's great. It's great to be back and see you again. And I have to tell you, we're going to have to have a private conversation because you know what? That Heather was just so fabulous. I just I'm scared. I want to tell you that right now.

I don't you you don't want to go out and follow James Earl Jones. And it's exactly what I feel like right now, because, you know, I'm sitting in the green room and I'm listening to her presentation. And it's wow, is all I can say. She was great. She was great. Absolutely. A lot of powerful energy. But honestly, you're your own special. You're your own special self. So right now we're going to our next up our next presentation. We are here live is with Reverend Joe Geores.

He is a master tarot card reader and he's gonna be talking about demystifying the tarot. So welcome to Spirituality Explained, Joe. Thank you. Thank you for having me back. Thank you for letting me be here. And thank you to everyone out there. Thank you. I wanna start off by stressing this is all about you guys and there's very little to do with us. Without you, there is no message. It's like when the tree falls in the forest and there's no one there. So thank you for your time. Thank you for.

your consideration and listening and here it goes. Here it goes, yeah. So a little bit about you. You're medium as well as a tarot card person. You are very skilled with it. You are a master reader, but you also do a lot with teaching and you really bring an eclectic background to your spiritual path.

You have studied and worked with the Tarot for over three decades. So a little bit of experience there. I think that you come with some street cred as you're going to be talking about this. And I would say your readings as well as your work with Pendulums, Reiki, your TransMedium help you provide insight and guidance when you're working with people. So I think today's going to be exciting.

And I will have to say, Joe, for me, it is always a treat when we have a moment to reconnect. You're just full of so much information, and you come with all this history that you bring with it, along with the wisdom. And I always learn something new and walk away with an aha. So I do want to encourage everyone who's listening to this to introduce themselves in the chat. Say where you're from.

We're very open to any questions or comments. A lot of folks have a lot of questions about the tarot, and this is really a great opportunity to ask those questions, because as I just said, we have a fellow here who's been doing this for over three decades. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, it's been a great journey. And I think it's awesome. It talks to something.

that's been going on within human society for politely, I would say tens of thousands of years, that pesky science and archeology and sociology, they're just getting in the way again because they're pushing the boundaries in all directions in quantum physics, in sociology, in history, archeology, and they're now pushing human civilization back.

far beyond 5 ,000 years, far beyond what we've ever been able to conceive. What with the archeology going on in Turkey and in Europe, all around the world, this is an amazing time to be alive. And throughout that time in history, man has striven, or strived rather, I don't even know if striven is a word, but has strived to connect and answer could make it work. Yeah, we could. We all have questions about our existence and...

afterlife and things like that, how come this happens, or just plain old give thanks and stuff. And that's been something we've been doing literally for almost hundreds of thousands of years. is one of the things I discovered in working on my class for the United Metaphysical Churches. And I really love this. There's an archaeological dig that was, I don't know if it's ongoing, but this goes back to 2021.

in Israel, the Middle East there, they were uncovering some artifacts in an archaeological dig and they came across these bones. And what was exciting to the archaeologists about the bones, they call them the rammy bones, not, there were these markings on these bones, but they're not the markings of a hunter who has had a kill and is now cleaning the kill to eat. These are specific markings, specifically placed

completely different from any other marking you would expect to see in that case. And what the archeologists and sociologists have come up with is that this is perhaps an example of the hunter gatherer giving thanks to the animal for its sacrifice and giving thanks to spirit for the abundance and stuff. And this is amazing stuff because the dig is dated to 120 ,000 years ago. So for at least that long and even further back.

Man has been using symbols to communicate, help things make sense in your day -to -day world. And that's kind of what tarot is all about because it's pictures and it's things that trigger the subconscious to connect much like all the visuals around us and even the audio signals around us. When you...

I don't know, go to a famous museum, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Museum of Natural, the Met in New York, or perhaps the National Gallery. You're to be exposed to all these images and all these pictures and all these things. And after a while, you know, things are going to start to resonate to you. Perhaps you like this, you don't like that. This clicks. I feel something from that. And you move forward from that to the things that are around us. These little guys here.

that we carry with us that have all these images on them and the TV and the movies and things. These are all moving pictures. These are pictures sending messages, helping us connect and working out that resonance, if you will, to not just help us feel better, but to be better, but to be better. Thank you, Melissa. I'm going to give you a shout out now. I see your name pop up there and she is just brilliant. She's a real dear friend of mine.

She's been around for a very long time. And I I had a feeling I heard somewhere that you have her coming up in day three, maybe. I do. She's going to jump us off on our final day, day three, her and her mom. And that's going to be a special one. my goodness. You folks, please. This is a shout out to Melissa and her mother. Please hang out for that. They're going to be really fantastic. You're really, really, really well. And thank you, Sandra, for for populating this this this blog here.

this summit, this is a great thing. But going back to the talk of symbolism, we all feel isolated. We don't really feel connected sometimes. But just talking about cave time, prehistoric, let's say, symbolism, there's also someone who's taken the cave art from around the world and codified it, compared it, laid it down. There's feather symbols, there's squirrels, there's this, that. It turns out there's an alphabet.

if you will, globally, in all these cave things that they all refer to different, different, they all refer to things in the lifestyle in the experience of the people that drew them. And it's a way of communication, as it turns out, globally. And, you know, this is deep science. And I'm like, my God, this is crazy. This is amazing stuff. And so that's where my theories come from. That's where I think that

It's spiritual in nature because it helps us connect and help us, help us bring spirit into us because it's always out there. Spirit's always out there. At least for me, working with Tarot over all these times, it's helped me open up to the beauty around me, to the resonance around me. can always find something to be happy about, always find something.

that's abundant, always find some connection to help you out. I remember walking that walking my dog, walking down the street one morning and all of a sudden I was completely stunned by the beauty of the sunlight coming across the lawn to my left to my right. It's all these brilliant dots of light and like there's a sea of pearls and diamonds. And I was like, wow, that's great. Now, how many of us really take the time to notice that? You know what I mean?

Yeah. Something like that can happen to you all the time. And that's one of the things work with Tarot can help you do is open up, slow down and see the stuff that's happening around you. It's actually a very, very good thing. It's not just about Can expand on that a little bit? yeah. The more you work with something, it's like the old joke, how do get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice. The more you work with a given discipline, and there's so many out there, they're all correct to someone.

But in terms of working with art and tarot to connect, more you work with it, the more used to using symbolism you get. We start out with things like the red traffic light or the stop sign or the men's or ladies' room signs, different kinds of symbolism there. And we get wrapped up in modern life and get so busy that we don't really think much about all the different flowers or all the birds.

or the various trees or the sky or anything like that. It turns out, going back to flowers, okay, because I started out with talking about the drops of dew on the grass and all of a sudden spirit clicked on me, hit me like, my goodness, I am really so abundant. Thank you so much. Turns out in Victorian times, flowers had meaning. So, you know, sometimes we think of the previous societies as being restrictive or

constrictive or something like that, but there were ways to communicate. You could send flowers to people that would have a message because of what the meaning of the flower might be. it's, I'd love to be able to wax poetic and talk about it for an hour, but it's a huge subject. And, know,

can't remember Martin Scorsese's movie's name. my goodness, this is terrible. There's a Martin Scorsese movie about Victorian times. in it, protagonist sends a female lead yellow roses. Now, why that's important is that, you you didn't write down that we would like to get together and have a relationship because society would just roll right over you like a steamroller. That's not the way you do it.

But you could send that message because the yellow roses would say, gee, I'd to get that relationship with you. I'd really like to, have you. And that would be a way of communicating, again, using the symbolism of flowers. Or rosemary, for example. Rosemary is known for remembrance. Remembrance, rather. So you might send in a bouquet some rosemary to say, you know, I do remember you fondly.

I haven't forgotten you or please remember me or something like that. So that's just touching the iceberg of symbolism, for example, that I stumbled on in my research, but how many people really know that? It's not quite a lost art, don't think, but it's not overly well known in everybody's circle. I'm sure there are gardeners out there. I'm sure there are people who are into flowers.

and plants and things that get this, that understand the meaning of them and stuff. It's awesome. Awesome and deep. I have relationships with birds. Sounds weird, when I see cardinals, I know it's my mother coming to visit me. OK, that's a symbol for my mother. Now, it's also a symbol for a dear friend of ours who's transitioned. One of her guides was a red bird.

And so when I see Cardinals, I know that someone's out there tapping on the window, so to speak, trying to say hello and get my attention or just remind me that they're there. Because as we know and believe, we're not we're ever truly alone. mean, we're always surrounded by energy. We're surrounded by those people on the other side. We're surrounded by those who've come before us and they're there to support us. So once you start to embrace symbolism and you wander through your day to day life.

It's perhaps a way to make it easier because now you're reminded that, my goodness, you know, I've got some support here. I've got this, I've got that. And we, especially when we need it, at least expect to get it, that sort of thing, you know? That makes so much sense. I feel like some of that has just gotten watered down and commercialized. I mean, we have different roses to symbolize different anniversaries, that kind of thing. And I think it's,

What you said is a lot of it is the paying attention or being able to open ourselves up to a lot of these synchronicities, right? Cause some of them are synchronicities. Most recently I was down in Florida actually just last week and I was walking along a condo aisle with my brother and we went by and there was literally a penny on this lower window sill and I looked at it.

And we walked by again, I picked it up and I handed it to him and I said, this is dad. I said, dad is whenever these random pennies show up. And he sort of like looked at me like, yeah, right. And I said that penny wasn't there when we first walked down, the penny's there now and it's in a very random place. And he's like, you're right. I says, just trust me when I tell you it's dad getting our attention. So it's just paying attention to those things. totally.

I totally agree that synchronicity. So one of the things I was talking about is in this summit, two of the topics that have really floated to the top have been intuition and synchronicity. So, you know, I'm paying attention to that because it's a message that maybe I need to be getting the word out about intuition or having more conversations about that with the different forms that I have with the podcast.

And then the other is synchronicities. They happen all the time, but are we aware of them?

Some of us are, some of us, I know I fall into this category. Some of us are still continually working on making sure you're in connection like that. Cause we all slip up at times when, you know, we just don't get it. We try to micromanage our lives and know, spirit just smiles calmly and goes, okay, but really, and we to the best of our ability, just know that we have a plan and know it's going to work. And it's just not working. We just don't understand why.

and we butt heads with it. But in the end, you know, when we finally just go, that's it, I'm putting it in hands of spirit, it all comes together. It all just flows, you know, it all just flows. Yeah. So we've talked about the tarot as a spiritual tool, that it's, you know, more than just asking a question. Can you just touch a little bit on reasons why people

initially come a lot of times or are drawn to the tarot or a reading and sort of how that might transform into something a little bigger. people tend to come because they need support, really. They need support and healing is the way to think of this. They're troubled by events, by thoughts about things, upcoming. Maybe or things that have passed.

And they just need some guidance, really. And from there, it can move forward into, I think all my readings move forward into the spiritual realm. I used to have a pattern that I used when I started my readings, just to get us in the mood and get us to connected. And I talk about it not being casino exercise, it's just a shuffle of cards, you it's not about dexterity or things like that.

But occasionally I've been known to say that we're going to try to get to the questions you've got here. we can all, how do they used to phrase it about, unfortunately, they're not going to give me the lottery numbers. everybody's looking for a tall, dark handsome. And you're unfortunately going to have to pay taxes for the rest of the time. And everybody would jiggle and laugh and things like that. And we would break the ice, if you will, and get into a connective spirit kind of thing.

I don't remember my readings, which is a pretty good deal. I believe in just being isolated from that. But I can say it's my feeling that so many people come for generally the same reason, not the specific reasons. They are looking for assistance and help. They may feel to some ways,

I used to phrase this as like a marble in a Cuisinart. You feel completely overwhelmed by life, let's say, or the subject at hand. And you're just looking to see if there's a way of getting some clarity, getting some...

feel for perhaps a way to move or some better understanding of the things around you. And that's what I do. That's what we do.

We, it's non -judgmental, first of all. We take the cards and use those images to connect. And you you can have, you have a fairly universal agreement on what the cards mean. And I go through this in my classes.

I have to caution us when we start to mean because it's much like the way we learn to read. Way back when, at least in the dark time of time, the cave people, and when I was learning to read, we started out with things in these books called, they were readers. And you would, I remember the word see spot run and there'd be a little dog there or see dick with a balloon or something like that. And you start from these really rudimentary single, very few word declarative sentences.

But from that beginning, over time, of course, we get to things like what light upon your window breaks and Shakespeare and incredible poetry and things like that. And tarot is the same way. It's great to have a fundamental basis from which to start. The cards mean this, the king of swords means that. One of the six spooky tarot cards comes up.

Death Tower, and I'm going to not touch on that, it's another lecture, but they come up and, you know, there's a good meaning, perhaps, you know, when you start out in the book or the chart. But as you go in time, the level gets deeper. And maybe that definition today of the Four of Cups is not precisely what's going on, if you're open to that interpretation, because

It'll trigger something in the channel, myself, whoever's doing this, and move you a little bit further, move you more into a zone that might resonate better to the client and actually help with communication, help with clarity, help with, hopefully, help with the issue at hand. Now, I say it that way.

because I learned a long time ago that if I understand and get exactly what I'm saying in a reading, this is wrong, forget it, I'm on the wrong page, I have to go somewhere else. Because this is not about me, it's about the person. It's not about my judgment, it's not about anything. I'm merely like a little monkey looking for a banana. I'm sitting here saying what I hear, what channel, what my spirit guides are telling me and relating that. I don't know the details of what

these people are going through or the clients are going through. And I don't necessarily want to or need to that's for you to deal with. That's your business. If you tell me that's fine. If you don't, it's fine too. But they walk away telling me that I've gotten some clarity and I'm like, great. And it happens again and again. And someday when I crack the code and figure out how it all works, maybe I'll stop doing this, but I haven't been able to do that yet.

It's truly a mystical experience that's been going on. And what you can think of maybe is, I'd call it the modern times, since the 1400s when it appears in Italy. But now there's perhaps, difference of opinion on the edge of thought. Some people are saying it could have happened earlier.

It has a lot to do with playing cards, which tarot cards are a form of. They're discovering the deeper they delve archaeology and research and history, they're finding state records much earlier than the 1400s showing playing cards available in Spain and in other cultures that, you know, who knows, you know, it's been going on for quite some time, you know, and so.

Well, that's really interesting. That's interesting that it keeps going back further and further. So I did read something somewhere once where someone said the tarot was part of the New Age movement. And I was like, my goodness. It is so much, so much more older. You know, it's been around a much longer time. But more recent, when you get into different tarot decks or tarot deck.

You get a little booklet that comes with it now that explains the card. So if you pull the card, you can read the booklet. So your thought about using the booklet versus intuition.

My thought about you, well.

Everybody's got intuition. It's something. I used to have this discussion about is it environment or is it genetics? Everybody in some form has a musical ability. You can hum, you can whistle, can kind of sort of maybe carry a tune like I can. I won't own that because I can't usually. But you can use no thought.

I mean man that's music. It's very humble but it's me nonetheless. They know there are a people out there that are more like Beethoven you know and they maybe have more intuitive connection but the possibility is there in all of us.

When you start a spiritual journey, I'll reflect on this by talking about my parents. My parents were these crazy, wonderful people that were kind of out of time and space when I was growing up because they had these differing opinions. And one of which was that we really should be able and could do anything we wanted to do, just go out and try and be good at it.

And I come from a Roman Catholic upbringing. I had to go to Catholic school and things like that because that's what they sent me.

But there was a reason for it. And they were kind enough to sit us down and explain it was, listen, this is what we're going to do. You're going to get this and you can continue to believe in it or use it as a baseline to go explore and find out what makes you you. But we want you to have a baseline because if you don't have one to build a frame of reference, you're just sort of wandering around. So please do this and the rest is history.

I in a spiritualist church now. I still believe in everything I've found out. I've found out so much about religion that I don't know really what category I fit in. But without that baseline, I might not be able to do this. So the book lit that comes with the card deck, I think is important because you are getting a baseline.

for that particular universe created by that deck. I happen to like the Rider Waite Coleman Smith deck. That's the deck I've been using in my professional work from the beginning. It really clues me in. But there's a deck that's out there that I like that is at least 180 degrees in a different direction called the Voyager Tarot by James Wanlis. Beautiful imagery, unbelievable, great guy.

it's good to see his philosophy, if you will, and his baseline, if you will, when you use the deck, because now you're opening yourself up to intuition. You're building the group, you're building the zone where intuition can start to work within you, you know, it helps to have that baseline to really bring it out, you know, you can, you know, you're going to start and say, okay, well,

This card means that, okay, so these three cards would come out to this sense. That's a great way to start, see, spot, run. But the more you work with a given deck, the more you work with a given tool of any kind, the better you're get at interpreting it, the better you're gonna get with resonating to it, much like any tool. Do know what I mean? Yeah, that makes sense. So we had Sonee Singh talk yesterday about demystifying oracle cards, which there's some similarities to.

The tarot deck, and when we talked about the oracle cards, is there like a living energy that goes with it? Or, you know, a lot of people don't like you to touch their cards, or they clear their cards. So is there a living energy actually with the deck? Or is it energy that's being transferred? Yes, yes.

My deck has energy. I feel all decks have energy. If you walk out on stage and pick up the Edge's guitar, you'd probably get your fingers broken because that's his axe. That's his tool. That's what he plays. You don't mess with Keith Richards. Keith Richards, you know what I mean? So all artists, all people have their own instrument, if you will. And by using it, you've begun a bond. You've begun

to create a universe if you want, with those instruments that help you now resonate. And this is interesting because, you know, I'm gonna continue with this. I'm digging myself a hole here, boy, but I'm gonna continue with this because, you you walk out there and you see them and they hit those chords and, you know, it's jumping jacks flash. You're not really expecting to say that, wow, Keith Richard is having a spiritual experience. And I would beg to differ.

He's been doing this a really long time. It's his craft. It's his life. It's one of the reasons he gets up in the morning. And those instruments that help him, that nature in the field, get that message out there, get their message out there, have a life of their own, if you will. That's why it's so important to them, you know, and it's so important to respect them. If for no other reason that it's polite, you know, you don't go, you know,

manhandling people's stuff without permission. And I think some of that is it too. yeah, mean, my tarot deck is much like anybody's kitchen knife, any carpenter's hammer or plane or anything like that, because you build a relationship with the things that help you connect and do work your art. And I think they...

should be respected, everybody's stuff. And I know you're connected to it.

So we do know that the, I think we agreed that the tarot deck is a spiritual tool. Do you think that it's a tool that could be used to help someone move along on a spiritual journey, pull them either into that journey in a more conscious way or help them understand the path a little more? it's helped me. Yes. I'm an audience of, in the audience of one that I am, a hundred percent of the people have had that happen.

Yeah, absolutely. think it can pull you and it can help. It's, you know, I compare, I'm going to get in a lot of trouble when this is played back. I'm telling you right now, here it goes. When you look at the religions in the world, who's

reason for being is to connect you spiritually, the organized religions. And I'm not limiting that to a number. In my definition, that's actually a very broad realm of faith and belief. In like Islam, they do not have graven images, but in their discipline, they have these incredible geometrics that are like mandalas.

that you would also find in the Indian religion, the Hindi and religions from the Asian element, you know. So there is a way of connecting that way. And then when you come to the Western religions, like in Catholicism and some of the cathedrals and things, there's this incredible statuary, incredible stained art, and again, mosaics and things. And all of these things exist to either remind you of a story or to connect you better to

help you on your spiritual way. And from that we get to art. Art does the same sort of thing. Art can be very controversial and make people angry and stuff, but it's also there to resonate and help make you think and help make you connect. And that's one of its functions and that's what it does. I would take this out as far as the...

that's the word, indigenous peoples around the world, their belief systems. Because if you look at the Native American, indigenous Americans, you've got to be correct here. I don't want to make anybody angry, but in the Southwest, there's the sand painting, which has a function within the spiritual belief and healing and growth of these people. The shaman will come in.

practitioner will come in and create the sand painting and the person might sit in it or whatever the ritual is and move it forward. Or in another part of the United States, there might be symbolism on a shield or on a cloak or around them that would make that connection. So again, it comes back to a universal thing of this as an art form.

which is a very important spooky card, which happened to be in the bottom of the deck and I wish I could have staged that. But that has a way of drawing us in and getting us connected and moving to a higher self, a higher being, a higher place.

Help us get through things, help us have some meaning and stuff like that. Wow. And of course, that wasn't random that you pull that up. But when you talk about that, because that's my other question, is people in a lot of my conversations absolutely have a load of curiosity about the tarot, about the Oracle, about a lot of these different cards. But they're

there's a hesitancy and there seems to be a fear with that. And sometimes it's hard for them to language it, but they're like, yeah, I wanna do it, I'm afraid. Where do you think that's driven from? And do you think that's always been around? I think it's been around since sometime after the 1400s when

The powers that be, I'm trying to be really politically correct here. I don't want anybody knocking on my door. But if you look at history, there are constraints. Thank you. There are constraints against practices in the doctrine and dogma. And around the 1400s, when tarot becomes popular as a game, but also as a fortune telling tool in Italy.

There were constraints and papal bulls and proclamations and things that you couldn't go to a fortune teller, you couldn't go to an astrologer. But they were never mentioned. And it turns out that until later on in history, all of a sudden, it became a problem for you to use these pasteboard things. It might have had something to do with the revolt against taxes on pasteboard. I don't really know. Maybe.

But nonetheless, you know, the people that were running running the show basically dictated, no, this is not good. Over time, it's been repeated and been repeated and been repeated and been repeated. So when you grow up, you learn that these symbols are good. But don't be going over there that they're not. We don't do those. And for you, that may be valid. But as you grow and you open up and you start to crack the mold, so to speak.

Maybe you find out that this particular genre resonates and works to you. I mean, this is not to say that Oracle cards are not important. I mean, they're very important because they work for other people. They work for them. Maybe Tarot doesn't work for them. Maybe Tarot and Oracle cards doesn't work for the third person on the Zoom meeting on that frequency bandwidth because for them, it's rune stones. You know what I mean?

the runic stones and the etching on those just flips that switch inside and all of sudden they get that feeling from you know what mean? So it's gotten a bad rap. Tarot has in a way and you'll see it in all the six spooky cards in the tarot deck. Because let's face it, there's a James Bond movie that comes into my mind, but you've seen them in art and literature.

where the person turns over the tarot card and you hear that crescendo and you can hear the intake of breath in the audience. like, my goodness, you know, because it's the death card or one of the other six spooky cards, one of which might be called the Eight of Swords, which doesn't look like a very popular or positive card to begin with, but nonetheless, there's a great meaning behind it I'll talk to in a minute. It turns out that

The six spooky cards are Death, the Tower, the Devil, in the major arcana. And below that might be the Five of Pentacles, the Ten of Swords, certainly, the Nine of Swords, and possibly the Eight of Swords, which is volunteered for the lecture today standing right there. We're going to leave the minor arcana cards down to the side for a second and talk about the big three, Death,

tower and the devil. And they're spooky looking, man. I mean, you we've all got the concept of the death card in our mind, you know, the skull and crossbones, the specter coming across the landscape and desolation and things. The tower is a building being hit by lightning and my people falling off. man, that doesn't look positive today either. The devil is being held with this big ogre guy kind of standing there, you know, or golly, golly, not looking very positive.

working out for me today. But in reality, those three cards talk about change, the various phases of change and growth from different perspectives. And again, I'm working with the Ryder, Waite, Colman Smith, but it occurs thanks to the universal message, the universal meanings of these cards in the various other tarot universes. At least when I reset, when I look at them and I resonate because

Death talks about evolution. talks about change occurring in a naturally evolving way, growth, and one's foot in front of the other, that sort of thing. The devil is a great card. Even when you get the devil in a reading with me, I'm excited for you because it talks about you taking back your power. You're basically standing, no, I got this. when you study that card in the deck, nobody's really tied up or anything like that. They're all just sort of accepting.

What's going on? You don't have to. You can institute change and growth in your life as a drop of a hat. Well, at any time, drop of a hat might be too quick. But simply saying, this doesn't work for me. I'm not judging it for you guys. It works for you guys. That's fine. But this path in my life isn't working. I'm going to make a change. So that's the two ways that the tower with the ball to lightning hitting the building and people falling down on the rocks below. my goodness.

there's another great card because, know, you're talking about listening before and micromanaging your life and saying, I've got this, I've spirit. I know, I know. And spirit goes, Joe, come on, we've got this plan for you. I've got this. know what's going on. Okay. We want to consider our identity. No, no, no, no. And you get caught in that something somebody in my experience once called the velvet rut.

The velvet rut exists in our lives when we have things to complain about. Maybe they're justified, maybe it's an opinion, but we complain that they're not working out. It's not good, but it's so comfy here. I don't know if I really want to make a change. I could complain a little more. And spirits got a plan for us. And the clock is ticking, even though their time works are different. They might be going, come on, Joe, let's Finally, they just go.

All right, you asked for it and bam, they blow you right out of it and they blow you on to growth and things like that. And that's what I call externally induced change, you know, and it's all good. It's all about growth and moving forward with those cards. Linking in. I haven't talked about the minor arcana. Want me to do that? OK, the six spooky, six spooky minor arcana cards. Well, they're not six. I got.

I'll call it six overall in a deck, but the 10 of swords is another card that people get and can feel the air stop in the room. It's face down in the mud, swords sticking in your spine all the way up. and gloom and red and black sky, but the meaning in the card really comes from the horizon line way over there. It's all about the new beginning because this is finality defined.

It is about being over, you've run the race.

There it is. You've run the race. You've won. You've got it. It's all about not being face down in the mud, not being not being gloom and doom from the cloud, but the sunrise at the other side of that, you know, swords are tools. got sharp edges, but you know, they can be used as levers, ladders, all these things. Fencing, you're protected. And you've got a buckle, a passel of tools to use to move forward with this.

This is really good. It's time to get up, dust yourself off and move forward. The nine of swords, maybe Spirit will be nice to... You know what? I can't make this stuff up. You know, that's intuition. I didn't structure that. I swear to you, I didn't structure this deck. Nine of swords. Here's someone suffering from the epitome of a migraine headache. my God, you're sitting there.

It isn't working. I don't know what to do. Can I do help me, help me, help me, help me. You know what I mean? Those swords are ladder up, man. You've got all these tools. You're sitting under the abundance symbol of all this abundance and greatness. And here's the meaning of this card way down here. Right there. There's Orlando Bloom, there's Johnny Depp, there's Basil Rathbone, there's Errol Flynn. They're wailing, they're dancing, they're poking and stabbing and all these other kind of things. But you know what?

You're doing it to yourself. In this image, there's nobody else there. It's just about you. So again, it's coming to terms with the idea that it's about you and you really do have nothing to fear but fear itself. You know what I'm saying? This is all good to know because these are all cards that I pull on a more frequent basis than that. all about building faith in yourself. You we're not given challenges.

for fun. We're given challenges to help grow when we come here. And it's kind of our fault, really, because we participated in the decision -making process that created this life that we're in. And we thought this was a good idea on the other side. I know. So yeah, no, I'm aware of all of that. So I have our next guest, Rick Hayes, in the green room here. Can I pull him on? And would you pull some cards for him? He's very curious about the tarot. I'd honored.

I would be honored. It would be great.

Rick. Hello. Good afternoon. Good morning. Good evening. Absolutely. This is Joe. It's an honor and pleasure to meet you, Reverend. And I've been listening and embracing and engulfing everything you're sharing. So very, very interesting. Thank you. Thank you. You know, because I like many people wander through life going, man, am I getting this right or not? I hope this is making sense to people because, you know,

I'm confused. And that's a good way to be as a reader because if I'm confused and I'm thinking this isn't making any sense, it probably is. But it's just not making sense to me because that's nothing to do with me. That's to do with you and people, know, the messaging that you've got there, you know. Well, I'm excited to see what you receive. Actually, I got my chocolate here with me ready to go. So let's do this. All right.

I'm clearing the deck. putting this Rick Haye's energy on it, this pandemic way of doing things when we couldn't get together, which is kind of a neat thing. Mother, thank you, thank you, thank you. Come on and help me. Great meeting for a new friend, Rick, here Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding. Thank you for all the blessings and abundance. you, I need you to pick a number from one to five.

Three. And we start with the third card down.

queen of cups energy

Really intuitive, really, really, really as a human being, you're not really, you're not moved to use blunt trauma first as the way to get anything done. You've got a great sense of sensitivity, a great connection, especially with the water sign of cups, hugely powerful in your own right, hugely powerful in your own right, but not necessarily, like I said, we have these concepts of.

man and woman and masculine and feminine and they're kind of behavior things whereas I define kings and queens as incredibly powerful but the kings may be you know masculine and result to blunt trauma first before reasoning and the female energy doesn't do that while they are completely capable of blunt trauma in the time when it's needed to. It's a good balance, a good balance there I think.

Next card down is four of cups.


Got it, got it. I'm working with the word focus, focused on.

Hyper focus is a good thing, but be careful of that. There's something going on.

that requires your attention but

Be careful of it encompassing all of your attention. If that makes any sense to you, whatever. It's important by all means. I'm not saying don't focus on it, but be aware, be aware that there's another piece to this that you're not expecting that's going to be coming out to you. Spirit's got your back, my friend. Spirit's got your back.

And that's interesting you twisted around that for me because I wasn't looking at it that way.

If you in your discipline, I'm sure this happens to you. They suddenly realign you and say, no, over here. yeah, I. Yeah. Yeah, just be careful of that, that that. Focus. The emperor.

is important because it's a major arcana card. There's a statistic, a teaching, what have you that says, without going into a long lecture about what your major arcana, what your minor arcana, et cetera, et cetera, fundamental archetypes. the greater the number of major arcana cards, because major arcana works on a DNA bedrock level way down deep in a given number of card reading, the greater the potential for change.

But again, change of a really fundamental direction, not that I'm going to wear a black t -shirt today or be on a blog or something. It's like really, you know, bang, like 90 degree change, let's say. And this is one out of three. So it's a 33 % chance. I think this is big and important, an important direction in your life.

It's big and important and you're paying attention to it and it's going to work out great, think. But definitely.

Not father figure. Not father figure, but...

Be careful.

Be careful of solidifying, if you will. Do you know what mean?

Keep that flexibility. Keep this flexibility. Do know what I'm saying? Because we have a trend here of getting more and more, and more and more, I want to say like granite, like the granite in here, or like concrete, or dried concrete, something dry. Do you know what I mean? Keep the flexibility. Keep the fluidity, fluidity available, because that's going to be important in the resolution of this. If that makes any kind of sense whatsoever.

Okay. Absolutely.

Two out of four. Okay, it's a very big deal for Rick.

Yeah, I think this works out great for you. I got you, I got you, you know, man, I got you guiding and leading, guiding and leading is what I'm hearing, guiding and leading. Okay. And doing and doing a profoundly good job at that. I honor you for that because the here font, you know, it's got that kind of that official religion, biblical kind of looking at, you know, teaching kind of thing. But it's about it's not quite about that. It's about

It's about your guidance to people and the way you're going. think you're moving in a new direction. I think you're moving in a new direction. I think this is going to be really, really great. I think you're going to be really, really great because I've got red, red, red in this. These three cards I've got red as we're walking down this pathway. We're getting redder and redder and redder. And you're going to say, so what? Well, I'm heavily influenced for some weird way, whatever reason for a kid, Irish American kid from suburbia by the Asian culture and in the Asian cultures.

Red is so important. It's such an honor. It's amazing color. It's high abundance, high good luck, high benefit. It's an amazingly important color. And you're getting more and more of that in here. So it's not like a danger zone. I think it's speaking to the abundance and speaking to the benefit. It's speaking to the positivity. Thank you. The positivity of that direction. Does that make any kind of sense to you? It really does. Absolutely does.

It's amazing how these cards fell into place with just what's been going on in the last two, three weeks for me. So it's all incorporating perfectly. So, I just want you both and everybody out here to know you're scaring the life out of me. We've never met. I mean, we're not even in the same part of the, I don't know where you are. I'm in the bottom of New Jersey here. And you this is great. you see, is why you say, why is it mystical?

This is mysticism, man. This is like shamanism. This is like going back to the campfire and dancing to connect and talking to the animals because we so desperately need them. You know what I mean? This is that kind of thing. And it's an amazing, amazing thing that works here. And I'm sure it works for people with the oracle cards. I know it works for the runes. When this happens and connects like that, that's mind boggling.

It's still mind boggling after 40 years. It's mind boggling. Well, I appreciate you pulling the cards and it's again honor to meet you. Thank Doc here for putting this summit together so we can meet. You're going to be a hard act to follow, but I'll do my best. No, Believe me, believe me, the hard act to follow is Heather because I'm heavily, heavily into dogs.

We've had Labrador Retriever for 40 years. Upstairs in the kennel is our latest Labrador Retriever, who's Lily. She's a really special puppy. She's going to be two years old in September. And I appreciate Heather's work with the canine archetypes, because they do resonate to humans so well, so much. And I've learned so much from my dogs. I can't even begin to go there. I mean, they're great. So, you know.

Again, thank you, Sandra, for hooking Rick and I up. Thank you for letting me do this. This is really, truly an honor. And I mean, it's great. It's great. Well, that's for me as well. you just I want to just thank you your service that you're giving to others as well on this world. And keep going forward, Joe. Thank you. You too, Rick. Thank you very much. All right.

I'm gonna get myself ready to try to follow you, okay? Okay, all right. I'm put you back in that green room. See you in five. You were spot on with those cards. Man, thank you. Thank you so very knows what he's doing. This guy knows what he's doing, everyone. Thank you all. Blessings to all of you, man. Blessings.

So just real quick as we're gonna finish up here, Joe, that was super powerful. And I think actually, I appreciate you doing that. it in action, it's a whole different energy and explanation to it, right? So what do you got going now and what's coming down the road for you? Well, I'm told by the people around me that we're gonna be doing more things like this currently.

We may be hosting some things like that. We might be knocking on Dr. Sandra's door, see if she wants to. I'm here. Tap in and tune in with us. Working with the United Metaphysical Church, of course, and seminary programs. And I've been featured on, they have a little program every month called Thoughtful Thursday, which is an exploration of various forms of spirituality and thought. It happens once a month.

I understand from the powers that be that I'm slated to do the December one. I'm to be featured instead of doing tarot, I'm going to be featured doing trans channeling, which is an interesting, interesting development. I'm working more with that. We're attempting to put together perhaps a monthly meeting, either zoom meeting type of thing, which would be speakers perhaps or messaging and perhaps

different things every month. We're still exploring that thing, that sort of stuff. And if people, you see that little thing down there, Reverend Joe G at comcast .net. If you wanna contact me for readings or for classes or to see if I have one, if I can put one together for you, please do not hesitate to reach out because I'm more than ready and willing to talk to you.

Okay, that sounds really excited. Now make sure that I get that information out. I love that you're going through some changes and some things are some different things are happening. It's really sort of interesting because I was really pulled to get the summit done on a bit of a short notice. And spirit, you know, you know, spirit. It's like talking to me again about September and January, January is not bad, right? You got to

months to take a deep breath, but September seems right around the corner, so I might be reaching out to you on your transmediumship ship with that. And obviously there's a reason that it seems like there's more than one of us being nudged along this path, so the message clearly is a lot bigger than both of us for sure. totally, and I honor you for doing this because the world needs it, needs more of it. I mean

We're faced with times that look questionable, put it that way, and scary to people. But I reassure you that, and I'm not the greatest student of American, of any kind of history, but if you look at human history over time, I mean, we've been here before and we've managed to struggle our way through it. oftentimes, a dear friend of mine, hopefully he coined it, I'm gonna credit with him. When we look in life,

And we think it's not working out. think like, The clue to be intuitive is that you think you're being punished. You think you're being denied. And sometimes you're not being punished, but you're being protected. You know what I mean? And that's usually what it is. You're not being punished. You're being protected. So when you're running into that brick wall or the bump and it's not, the bump is not beating to the tune that makes you want to dance. You're like, what's going on?

You're being protected maybe, you So it's always a good idea to perhaps just say, thank you, mother. I get it. I'm putting it in your hands and backing up. And usually you may find that it was a really good reason to back up. Well, that's really important words to leave everyone with. So I'm going to marinate in that message a little bit. until next time, Joe, thank you so much.

Thank you so much for letting me do this. Thank you for including me and hopefully you'll continue to do that. I honor and bless all of you out there. Thank you for supporting Dr. Sandra and her great work here, rest of the presenters and look forward to that guy, Dr. Rick coming up. I'm telling you right now, I can tell his energy is just off the charts and it's gonna be a great, it's just gonna be another step and a great day. Thank you all, thank you all and blessings. Okay, till next time. Bye bye.

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