Happy Hour For The Spiritually Curious Podcast

Unlocking Your Universe: The #1 Reason You’re Not Living Your Dream Life (And How to Fix It!)

Dr. Sandra Marie/Nikki Ackerman Season 4 Episode 70

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Manifesting, Creating, and Permission: The Hidden Secrets No One Talks About!

Are you struggling to manifest the life you desire? Have you ever felt like something is holding you back, despite all your best efforts? What if the missing piece isn’t about working harder, but about giving yourself permission to create?

STOP Manifesting the Wrong Way!  Most people think that manifesting is about visualizing and waiting, but what if that’s only a fraction of the truth? There’s a massive misconception about manifesting, creating, and permission that’s keeping so many from achieving what they want. Science and spirituality agree: True creation requires something deeper.

In this episode of  the Happy Hour for the Spiritually Curious Podcast special series Unlocking YOUR Universe, Dr. Sandra Marie and Nikki Ackerman, Reiki Master, spiritual teacher, and energy worker, uncover the real truth about manifesting, creating, and permission that most people never hear.

The universe expands with your curiosity, keep exploring!

Nikki Ackerman

Dr. Sandra Marie
Website: Wildsoulsgathering.com
Email: Sandra@wildsoulsgathering.com

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